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About this blog

Atlassian is great, but on occasion they let out some shady things that we should point out to keep Atlassian true to their five values: Open Company, No bullshit, Build with heart and balance, Don’t #@!% the customer, Play, as a team, Be the change you seek.

Entries in this blog

Atlassian Align honey trap

When it comes to Jira Align, there are a ton of things to write about, as it is a black hole and it seems to break every value Atlassian stands for. One area stands out however and that is the honey trap website that lock content behind a submit form. A submit form that ask you to provide contact information to access some Jira Align videos. These videos are available on YouTube and even the videos tab of Atlassian Community!   This website is what you will find many people link

Price increase - but why the obfuscation Atlassian?

Atlassian are raising the prices for their cloud services on October 12th, which is perfectly ok. What is a bit strange though is that they for some reason seem to purposely try to hide just how much they are raising the prices. It does not say in the email, and the link takes you to the FAQ rather than the price list. A price list that only have the new prices and not the old for comparison. It is a bit odd. This seems to become a norm for Atlassian lately, to hide information and prevent
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