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New Social media accounts for Atlasstic

Jimi Wikman



This weekend, I have created new social media accounts for Atlasstic. I am doing this for several reasons, but the primary reason is that I want to separate Atlasstic from myself and make it super focused on Atlassian content. While I will focus on Twitter and YouTube primarily next year, I also created a Facebook and LinkedIn account as well. Just to be prepared for the future.

Creating new social accounts can be fun, especially when you get to build such focused accounts like for Atlasstic. As I was doing this, I realized that I needed a stronger icon, so I used the one I already created for Ranks here on the site. It works fine, and I might consider using it in other ways later.


Twitter will be my main broadcasting tool and the strategy there is to add Atlassian focused accounts, but also to curate a set of lists that are also focused on Atlassian. I have created four lists for now to use as the main ones I will focus on:

  1. Founding Council - adding some love to our Founding Council Members
  2. Atlassian Official - Official Atlassian accounts
  3. Atlassian App Creators - App creator accounts with focus on company accounts
  4. Atlassian Professionals - People that work as Atlassian professionals.

At the moment I have 8 followers and I follow 183 accounts after I started it late last night. I aim to have a minimum of 1000 followers by the end of 2023.


Here I decided to create a new account rather than refactor my existing one. I will start from scratch, but I think that is ok since I want a much more focused approach anyway. I have started to set up the structure and uploaded a few old videos that I think are fine to just repost. This also gave me a chance to test out the new screens I have made to see how they look and behave.

The new structure so far looks like this:

  • Atlassian General
  • Jira Software Cloud
  • Confluence Cloud
  • Jira Service Management Cloud
  • Jira Product Discovery
  • The Flexible Atlassian setup
  • Advanced Roadmaps
  • Atlassian Apps

Atlassian Apps might be broken down further once I start making more focused videos for apps, like I plan to do for QMetry and BigPicture as part of The Flexible Atlassian Setup. Depending on demand, I might create a second channel for Swedish content, but first I will focus on getting this new channel up and running. I am also pondering if I should add Ways Of Working later on with videos on how different frameworks and methodologies can be supported in Atlassian tools.

For the cards for these categories, I have decided to color code them based on where I see them in the process structure in Prisma (my methodology I am writing). This is something I will explore a bit more during 2023, but for now the cards look something like this.


The aim is obviously to reach 1000 subscribers to reach the limit for monetization, but I am aiming higher than that for the end of next year. In January 2023 I have 2 weeks off before I start my new position as Senior Atlassian Platform Owner at Sinch and I will take that time to create as many videos as I can. I want to have at least 50 videos out in 2023, so I aim to have at least 30 done in that window. Hopefully, I will be able to have even more done when I really focus.


On LinkedIn, I am having discussions on how to work, which is generating interest and I will use the LinkedIn page as a more professional tool to add news and information that is of interest to the LinkedIn professional sphere. So it will be mostly reposts from here and the occasional manual post, with the aim to keep people informed, but also to bring them here to this site.

I will most likely put more effort into LinkedIn later in 2023 or 2024.


Facebook is similar to LinkedIn, but there are more groups to interact with there, and the target group is different.

What to do next

While it is fun to play around with Social Media, I need to focus on content and value before I start putting too much effort into marketing. So for this period I will focus on making sure I have my graphics in order and the plan for next year ready to go. I will continue working on the databases and making sure everything is prepared for adding content, so I can get busy next year.

So, have a nice Sunday and talk to you soon!



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